It’s interesting to hear everyone reaction when I first tell them about my trip. Some are excited, some look at me like I’m crazy, others ask me questions. I cannot honestly answer most of the questions because I don’t know all the answers. What made me want to go? Why India? What’s it going to be like? Are you nervous? Every answer is a little different depending on the day. Sometimes its clear to me why I want to go and other days I wonder what I’m in for. So here is my best try at answering some of those questions.
How did you find out about the program?
Yes, this is the easy question but whatever! I was up in Maine over a three-day weekend in Maine with family friends. My mom and her friend were talking about the friend’s niece’s recent trip to Ladakh. I thought it was cool and googled the program. Looking at the website made me so excited and I kept exploring it. The pictures were stunning and classes sounded amazing. When I pulled up the application I realized the deadline was only a week away. I frantically emailed the director and she gave me the okay to apply (since I was from outside Vermont). And that’s basically how I found out! Totally random but I am happy I did.
Why India?
I don’t think it was so much the place but the program and the people. I love to travel so any place would have been exciting to me. This opportunity presented itself and it happens to be in a gorgeous area of India!
What is it going to be like?
Well…I haven’t been yet so I don’t really know the answer to this question! But from what I have heard it is going to be challenging, adventurous, life changing. And very, very different to anything that I am used to.
Are you nervous?
I cannot honestly say no but I certainly don’t feel nervous. My answer might be different when I wave goodbye to my family and step onto the plane.
Why do you want to go?
I saved this one for last because it is by far the hardest. There are so many reasons that have added up. Different events in my life have taught me different things, slowly shaping my view of the world.
I cannot specify the exact moment that I realized I liked to travel or wanted to do something to help people. Last December (2009) I was able to hear Greg Mortenson speak. Something about his ideas and his actions made me realize that anyone can make a difference.
Several weeks later (or maybe before, I don’t really know) I read an article in a magazine about a man who had it all. He went to a prestigious college, invented something, became very wealthy, attended school again, married, etc. He still wasn’t satisfied and became a doctor. He now travels to the third world country and performs eye surgeries that help blind people see. His work has changed so many people’s lives, giving them an opportunity to help themselves, their family.
In April I lost someone who I greatly loved and admired. In moments my view of the world literally changed as I realize you never know what is ahead. You can only be thankful you took the time to take that photo or ask that question. I still miss her very much but I can only be thankful for everything she taught me.
I am learning that life is short and you never know what your path might look like. Sometimes it can all come crashing down so I want to take advantage of every opportunity that I am given. Every second is one to treasure and I want to make the most of each one.
Lisa A.