It is really true that life hits you when you least expect it. I should have expected something unexpected soon - the last year and half has proven to me that life never stops and always hit hardest in the random moments of time. While watching the big India versus Pakistan cricket game the school teacher in Ursi told me that my amalay (mother - Ladakhi host mom), the one who constantly smiles and cares for my noon (little brother) in a way that reminds me so much of home, lost her older brother in a car accident. At fourish that afternoon. On a road we trekked on the day before. Less then seven kilometers away. And she hadn't been told yet.
My brain does not need to even think before it recalls what the shock of such a sudden event feels like. It is not hard to remember the exact moments, the pinpoints in my life, were my view totally changed. That sunny spring morning that was suppose to be another peaceful friday on spring break before a phone call shattered the day with unavoidable news. Or reaching the front of the school and seeing our black truck, doors wide open and my dad sprinting towards me. And, over December break, during the car ride to New Year's eve dinner, the text from a friend that made me ache in sympathy.
I know I cannot run away from any of these memories, that they will be etched in my brain forever. I only wish I could somehow protect all those I love and meet, like my amalay, who so innocently prepared dinner and placed her children in bed. But i know that it is humanly impossible and unfair to shield my loved ones from harm's way.
Love from Ladakh,
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