Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Im in Delhi!

Didn't think I would have time to post again so soon but...here I am!

Still working on the best things to say in my short time with the internet. I've been reunited with my big suitcase (its sort of like Christmas!) after living out of a backpack for the past two weeks as we've traveled around! Now I have the laptop so I can type stuff up and upload photos before I have access to internet which will help a ton!

Mostly this is just a selection of very few of the tons of photos I have taken so far!

Love from Delhi!


  1. Fabulous photos and update Taylor. Glad to hear you now have your suitcase! Love, Laura

  2. Thanks for the posts, so great to hear about your trip...I am Moya's mom! Give her a hug for me.

  3. Hi Taylor, I am now a follower too and happy you are my guide to northern India. Great pictures and posts so far. I'm looking forward to sharing the adventure with you - virtually! I will also be sharing your blogs with my students here in China,

    love, Uncle Joe
